How to Stop Gambling Addiction
If left untreated, gambling can quickly lead to considerable financial harm, strained
relationships and desperation to recoup losses. It’s also a common trigger for
substance use disorders trusted online casino singapore, which are often co-occurring in people with gambling
problems. The good news is that there are a range of treatments for pathological
gambling and the underlying conditions that can contribute to it, including therapy,
self-help groups such as Gamblers Anonymous, and medication.
The first step is to identify the triggers for your gambling behaviour – these could be
any situations, thoughts, feelings or activities that cause you to gamble. This may
involve journalling your behaviour and exploring the reasons behind your impulses
to gamble through counselling with a qualified therapist.
Getting to know your triggers can help you plan how to overcome them and stay
away from high-risk situations. This can include avoiding gambling venues, reducing
the use of credit cards, avoiding taking out loans and never carrying large amounts
of money with you. It’s also helpful to find alternative recreational activities and
hobbies that can replace your gambling habits.
One of the biggest challenges for most people who struggle with gambling addiction
is finding ways to distract themselves. Try going for a walk in the middle of the day,
sampling a new restaurant or spending time with old friends who you’ve neglected
as a result of your gambling habit. These types of activities can help to replace your
addictive habits and offer you a different type of “high”.
Another way to break the cycle is to identify what is driving your gambling
behaviour. For example, is it boredom, stress, anxiety or depression? Gambling can
be used as an escape from these problems but it’s important to seek professional
help to tackle the underlying issue rather than simply trying to replace it with
another addictive activity.
Your loved ones will likely feel angry and betrayed by your behaviour, particularly if
you’ve borrowed or stolen money to fund your gambling habits. It’s natural for them
to want to protect themselves and take precautions in the future, but be patient with
them and don’t take it personally. It’s better for you and your family to rebuild trust
and relationships over time than to allow resentment to develop.
You’ll need to work out a long-term strategy to stop gambling once and for all. This
should include seeking help from a qualified therapist, attending support meetings,
reducing the risk factors in your life and finding a healthy distraction.